

BIOMAMBA Biomamba 生信基地 2024-04-03
conda install slsl#注意是SL不是ls




#!/bin/bash#这是俄罗斯方块!# Tetris Game# 10.21.2003 xhchen< [email]xhchen@winbond.com.tw[/email]> #APP declarationAPP_NAME="${0##*[\\/]}"APP_VERSION="1.0" #颜色定义cRed=1cGreen=2cYellow=3cBlue=4cFuchsia=5cCyan=6cWhite=7colorTable=($cRed $cGreen $cYellow $cBlue $cFuchsia $cCyan $cWhite) #位置和大小iLeft=3iTop=2((iTrayLeft = iLeft + 2))((iTrayTop = iTop + 1))((iTrayWidth = 10))((iTrayHeight = 15)) #颜色设置cBorder=$cGreencScore=$cFuchsiacScoreValue=$cCyan #控制信号#改游戏使用两个进程,一个用于接收输入,一个用于游戏流程和显示界面;#当前者接收到上下左右等按键时,通过向后者发送signal的方式通知后者。sigRotate=25sigLeft=26sigRight=27sigDown=28sigAllDown=29sigExit=30 #七中不同的方块的定义#通过旋转,每种方块的显示的样式可能有几种box0=(0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1)box1=(0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3)box2=(0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0)box3=(0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1)box4=(0 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2)box5=(0 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2)box6=(0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2)#所有其中方块的定义都放到box变量中box=(${box0[@]} ${box1[@]} ${box2[@]} ${box3[@]} ${box4[@]} ${box5[@]} ${box6[@]})#各种方块旋转后可能的样式数目countBox=(1 2 2 2 4 4 4)#各种方块再box数组中的偏移offsetBox=(0 1 3 5 7 11 15) #每提高一个速度级需要积累的分数iScoreEachLevel=50 #be greater than 7 #运行时数据sig=0 #接收到的signaliScore=0 #总分iLevel=0 #速度级boxNew=() #新下落的方块的位置定义cBoxNew=0 #新下落的方块的颜色iBoxNewType=0 #新下落的方块的种类iBoxNewRotate=0 #新下落的方块的旋转角度boxCur=() #当前方块的位置定义cBoxCur=0 #当前方块的颜色iBoxCurType=0 #当前方块的种类iBoxCurRotate=0 #当前方块的旋转角度boxCurX=-1 #当前方块的x坐标位置boxCurY=-1 #当前方块的y坐标位置iMap=() #背景方块图表 #初始化所有背景方块为-1, 表示没有方块for ((i = 0; i < iTrayHeight * iTrayWidth; i++)); do iMap[$i]=-1; done #接收输入的进程的主函数function RunAsKeyReceiver(){ local pidDisplayer key aKey sig cESC sTTY pidDisplayer=$1 aKey=(0 0 0) cESC=`echo -ne "\033"` cSpace=`echo -ne "\040"` #保存终端属性。在read -s读取终端键时,终端的属性会被暂时改变。 #如果在read -s时程序被不幸杀掉,可能会导致终端混乱, #需要在程序退出时恢复终端属性。 sTTY=`stty -g` #捕捉退出信号 trap "MyExit;" INT TERM trap "MyExitNoSub;" $sigExit #隐藏光标 echo -ne "\033[?25l" while : do #读取输入。注-s不回显,-n读到一个字符立即返回 read -s -n 1 key aKey[0]=${aKey[1]} aKey[1]=${aKey[2]} aKey[2]=$key sig=0 #判断输入了何种键 if [[ $key == $cESC && ${aKey[1]} == $cESC ]] then #ESC键 MyExit elif [[ ${aKey[0]} == $cESC && ${aKey[1]} == "[" ]] then if [[ $key == "A" ]]; then sig=$sigRotate #<向上键> elif [[ $key == "B" ]]; then sig=$sigDown #< 向下键> elif [[ $key == "D" ]]; then sig=$sigLeft #< 向左键> elif [[ $key == "C" ]]; then sig=$sigRight #< 向右键> fi elif [[ $key == "W" || $key == "w" ]]; then sig=$sigRotate #W, w elif [[ $key == "S" || $key == "s" ]]; then sig=$sigDown #S, s elif [[ $key == "A" || $key == "a" ]]; then sig=$sigLeft #A, a elif [[ $key == "D" || $key == "d" ]]; then sig=$sigRight #D, d elif [[ "[$key]" == "[]" ]]; then sig=$sigAllDown #空格键 elif [[ $key == "Q" || $key == "q" ]] #Q, q then MyExit fi if [[ $sig != 0 ]] then #向另一进程发送消息 kill -$sig $pidDisplayer fi done} #退出前的恢复function MyExitNoSub(){ local y #恢复终端属性 stty $sTTY ((y = iTop + iTrayHeight + 4)) #显示光标 echo -e "\033[?25h\033[${y};0H" exit} function MyExit(){ #通知显示进程需要退出 kill -$sigExit $pidDisplayer MyExitNoSub} #处理显示和游戏流程的主函数function RunAsDisplayer(){ local sigThis InitDraw #挂载各种信号的处理函数 trap "sig=$sigRotate;" $sigRotate trap "sig=$sigLeft;" $sigLeft trap "sig=$sigRight;" $sigRight trap "sig=$sigDown;" $sigDown trap "sig=$sigAllDown;" $sigAllDown trap "ShowExit;" $sigExit while : do #根据当前的速度级iLevel不同,设定相应的循环的次数 for ((i = 0; i < 21 - iLevel; i++)) do sleep 0.02 sigThis=$sig sig=0 #根据sig变量判断是否接受到相应的信号 if ((sigThis == sigRotate)); then BoxRotate; #旋转 elif ((sigThis == sigLeft)); then BoxLeft; #左移一列 elif ((sigThis == sigRight)); then BoxRight; #右移一列 elif ((sigThis == sigDown)); then BoxDown; #下落一行 elif ((sigThis == sigAllDown)); then BoxAllDown; #下落到底 fi done #kill -$sigDown $$ BoxDown #下落一行 done} #BoxMove(y, x), 测试是否可以把移动中的方块移到(x, y)的位置, 返回0则可以, 1不可以function BoxMove(){ local j i x y xTest yTest yTest=$1 xTest=$2 for ((j = 0; j < 8; j += 2)) do ((i = j + 1)) ((y = ${boxCur[$j]} + yTest)) ((x = ${boxCur[$i]} + xTest)) if (( y < 0 || y >= iTrayHeight || x < 0 || x >= iTrayWidth)) then #撞到墙壁了 return 1 fi if ((${iMap[y * iTrayWidth + x]} != -1 )) then #撞到其他已经存在的方块了 return 1 fi done return 0;} #将当前移动中的方块放到背景方块中去,#并计算新的分数和速度级。(即一次方块落到底部)function Box2Map(){ local j i x y xp yp line #将当前移动中的方块放到背景方块中去 for ((j = 0; j < 8; j += 2)) do ((i = j + 1)) ((y = ${boxCur[$j]} + boxCurY)) ((x = ${boxCur[$i]} + boxCurX)) ((i = y * iTrayWidth + x)) iMap[$i]=$cBoxCur done #消去可被消去的行 line=0 for ((j = 0; j < iTrayWidth * iTrayHeight; j += iTrayWidth)) do for ((i = j + iTrayWidth - 1; i >= j; i--)) do if ((${iMap[$i]} == -1)); then break; fi done if ((i >= j)); then continue; fi ((line++)) for ((i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--)) do ((x = i + iTrayWidth)) iMap[$x]=${iMap[$i]} done for ((i = 0; i < iTrayWidth; i++)) do iMap[$i]=-1 done done if ((line == 0)); then return; fi #根据消去的行数line计算分数和速度级 ((x = iLeft + iTrayWidth * 2 + 7)) ((y = iTop + 11)) ((iScore += line * 2 - 1)) #显示新的分数 echo -ne "\033[1m\033[3${cScoreValue}m\033[${y};${x}H${iScore} " if ((iScore % iScoreEachLevel < line * 2 - 1)) then if ((iLevel < 20)) then ((iLevel++)) ((y = iTop + 14)) #显示新的速度级 echo -ne "\033[3${cScoreValue}m\033[${y};${x}H${iLevel} " fi fi echo -ne "\033[0m" #重新显示背景方块 for ((y = 0; y < iTrayHeight; y++)) do ((yp = y + iTrayTop + 1)) ((xp = iTrayLeft + 1)) ((i = y * iTrayWidth)) echo -ne "\033[${yp};${xp}H" for ((x = 0; x < iTrayWidth; x++)) do ((j = i + x)) if ((${iMap[$j]} == -1)) then echo -ne " " else echo -ne "\033[1m\033[7m\033[3${iMap[$j]}m\033[4${iMap[$j]}m[]\033[0m" fi done done} #下落一行function BoxDown(){ local y s ((y = boxCurY + 1)) #新的y坐标 if BoxMove $y $boxCurX #测试是否可以下落一行 then s="`DrawCurBox 0`" #将旧的方块抹去 ((boxCurY = y)) s="$s`DrawCurBox 1`" #显示新的下落后方块 echo -ne $s else #走到这儿, 如果不能下落了 Box2Map #将当前移动中的方块贴到背景方块中 RandomBox #产生新的方块 fi} #左移一列function BoxLeft(){ local x s ((x = boxCurX - 1)) if BoxMove $boxCurY $x then s=`DrawCurBox 0` ((boxCurX = x)) s=$s`DrawCurBox 1` echo -ne $s fi} #右移一列function BoxRight(){ local x s ((x = boxCurX + 1)) if BoxMove $boxCurY $x then s=`DrawCurBox 0` ((boxCurX = x)) s=$s`DrawCurBox 1` echo -ne $s fi} #下落到底function BoxAllDown(){ local k j i x y iDown s iDown=$iTrayHeight #计算一共需要下落多少行 for ((j = 0; j < 8; j += 2)) do ((i = j + 1)) ((y = ${boxCur[$j]} + boxCurY)) ((x = ${boxCur[$i]} + boxCurX)) for ((k = y + 1; k < iTrayHeight; k++)) do ((i = k * iTrayWidth + x)) if (( ${iMap[$i]} != -1)); then break; fi done ((k -= y + 1)) if (( $iDown > $k )); then iDown=$k; fi done s=`DrawCurBox 0` #将旧的方块抹去 ((boxCurY += iDown)) s=$s`DrawCurBox 1` #显示新的下落后的方块 echo -ne $s Box2Map #将当前移动中的方块贴到背景方块中 RandomBox #产生新的方块} #旋转方块function BoxRotate(){ local iCount iTestRotate boxTest j i s iCount=${countBox[$iBoxCurType]} #当前的方块经旋转可以产生的样式的数目 #计算旋转后的新的样式 ((iTestRotate = iBoxCurRotate + 1)) if ((iTestRotate >= iCount)) then ((iTestRotate = 0)) fi #更新到新的样式, 保存老的样式(但不显示) for ((j = 0, i = (${offsetBox[$iBoxCurType]} + $iTestRotate) * 8; j < 8; j++, i++)) do boxTest[$j]=${boxCur[$j]} boxCur[$j]=${box[$i]} done if BoxMove $boxCurY $boxCurX #测试旋转后是否有空间放的下 then #抹去旧的方块 for ((j = 0; j < 8; j++)) do boxCur[$j]=${boxTest[$j]} done s=`DrawCurBox 0` #画上新的方块 for ((j = 0, i = (${offsetBox[$iBoxCurType]} + $iTestRotate) * 8; j < 8; j++, i++)) do boxCur[$j]=${box[$i]} done s=$s`DrawCurBox 1` echo -ne $s iBoxCurRotate=$iTestRotate else #不能旋转,还是继续使用老的样式 for ((j = 0; j < 8; j++)) do boxCur[$j]=${boxTest[$j]} done fi} #DrawCurBox(bDraw), 绘制当前移动中的方块, bDraw为1, 画上, bDraw为0, 抹去方块。function DrawCurBox(){ local i j t bDraw sBox s bDraw=$1 s="" if (( bDraw == 0 )) then sBox="\040\040" else sBox="[]" s=$s"\033[1m\033[7m\033[3${cBoxCur}m\033[4${cBoxCur}m" fi for ((j = 0; j < 8; j += 2)) do ((i = iTrayTop + 1 + ${boxCur[$j]} + boxCurY)) ((t = iTrayLeft + 1 + 2 * (boxCurX + ${boxCur[$j + 1]}))) #\033[y;xH, 光标到(x, y)处 s=$s"\033[${i};${t}H${sBox}" done s=$s"\033[0m" echo -n $s} #更新新的方块function RandomBox(){ local i j t #更新当前移动的方块 iBoxCurType=${iBoxNewType} iBoxCurRotate=${iBoxNewRotate} cBoxCur=${cBoxNew} for ((j = 0; j < ${#boxNew[@]}; j++)) do boxCur[$j]=${boxNew[$j]} done #显示当前移动的方块 if (( ${#boxCur[@]} == 8 )) then #计算当前方块该从顶端哪一行"冒"出来 for ((j = 0, t = 4; j < 8; j += 2)) do if ((${boxCur[$j]} < t)); then t=${boxCur[$j]}; fi done ((boxCurY = -t)) for ((j = 1, i = -4, t = 20; j < 8; j += 2)) do if ((${boxCur[$j]} > i)); then i=${boxCur[$j]}; fi if ((${boxCur[$j]} < t)); then t=${boxCur[$j]}; fi done ((boxCurX = (iTrayWidth - 1 - i - t) / 2)) #显示当前移动的方块 echo -ne `DrawCurBox 1` #如果方块一出来就没处放,Game over! if ! BoxMove $boxCurY $boxCurX then kill -$sigExit ${PPID} ShowExit fi fi #清除右边预显示的方块 for ((j = 0; j < 4; j++)) do ((i = iTop + 1 + j)) ((t = iLeft + 2 * iTrayWidth + 7)) echo -ne "\033[${i};${t}H " done #随机产生新的方块 ((iBoxNewType = RANDOM % ${#offsetBox[@]})) ((iBoxNewRotate = RANDOM % ${countBox[$iBoxNewType]})) for ((j = 0, i = (${offsetBox[$iBoxNewType]} + $iBoxNewRotate) * 8; j < 8; j++, i++)) do boxNew[$j]=${box[$i]}; done ((cBoxNew = ${colorTable[RANDOM % ${#colorTable[@]}]})) #显示右边预显示的方块 echo -ne "\033[1m\033[7m\033[3${cBoxNew}m\033[4${cBoxNew}m" for ((j = 0; j < 8; j += 2)) do ((i = iTop + 1 + ${boxNew[$j]})) ((t = iLeft + 2 * iTrayWidth + 7 + 2 * ${boxNew[$j + 1]})) echo -ne "\033[${i};${t}H[]" done echo -ne "\033[0m"} #初始绘制function InitDraw(){ clear RandomBox #随机产生方块,这时右边预显示窗口中有方快了 RandomBox #再随机产生方块,右边预显示窗口中的方块被更新,原先的方块将开始下落 local i t1 t2 t3 #显示边框 echo -ne "\033[1m" echo -ne "\033[3${cBorder}m\033[4${cBorder}m" ((t2 = iLeft + 1)) ((t3 = iLeft + iTrayWidth * 2 + 3)) for ((i = 0; i < iTrayHeight; i++)) do ((t1 = i + iTop + 2)) echo -ne "\033[${t1};${t2}H||" echo -ne "\033[${t1};${t3}H||" done ((t2 = iTop + iTrayHeight + 2)) for ((i = 0; i < iTrayWidth + 2; i++)) do ((t1 = i * 2 + iLeft + 1)) echo -ne "\033[${iTrayTop};${t1}H==" echo -ne "\033[${t2};${t1}H==" done echo -ne "\033[0m" #显示"Score"和"Level"字样 echo -ne "\033[1m" ((t1 = iLeft + iTrayWidth * 2 + 7)) ((t2 = iTop + 10)) echo -ne "\033[3${cScore}m\033[${t2};${t1}HScore" ((t2 = iTop + 11)) echo -ne "\033[3${cScoreValue}m\033[${t2};${t1}H${iScore}" ((t2 = iTop + 13)) echo -ne "\033[3${cScore}m\033[${t2};${t1}HLevel" ((t2 = iTop + 14)) echo -ne "\033[3${cScoreValue}m\033[${t2};${t1}H${iLevel}" echo -ne "\033[0m"} #退出时显示GameOVer!function ShowExit(){ local y ((y = iTrayHeight + iTrayTop + 3)) echo -e "\033[${y};0HGameOver!\033[0m" exit} #显示用法.function Usage{ cat << EOFUsage: $APP_NAMEStart tetris game. -h, --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exitEOF} #游戏主程序在这儿开始.if [[ "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then Usageelif [[ "$1" == "--version" ]]; then echo "$APP_NAME $APP_VERSION"elif [[ "$1" == "--show" ]]; then #当发现具有参数--show时,运行显示函数 RunAsDisplayerelse bash $0 --show& #以参数--show将本程序再运行一遍 RunAsKeyReceiver $! #以上一行产生的进程的进程号作为参数fi

TE: 2016.02.23#place temporary files#这是坦克大战!tmpdir='/tmp'
#u:up d:down l:left r:rightboundary_u=2boundary_d=26boundary_l=3boundary_r=80
#about time (second)#about color (x0:black x1:red x2:green x3:Orange x4:blue x5:pink x6:light blue) x=[3|4]
#about tank#if enemy_tank_color is empty, it will be random value of enemy_tank_color_type.enemy_tank_color_type=( 41 43 43 45 44 46 )enemy_tank_color=''
#level: 0 1 .. 8 9 10 11 .. 18 19 (20)#time : 1.0 0.9 .. 0.2 0.1 0.09 0.08 .. 0.01 0 game_level=9
#about bulletenemy_bullet_color=41enemy_bullet_speed=0.02
#after tank dead, next will appearnext_tank_interval_time=0.5
#about death symbol symbol_keep_time=1

#game PIDMYPID=$$
##SIGNAL: [20-31] [35-36]#stop enemy tank signal: 20 (PID: $run_enemytank_pid)#enemy tank be hitted: 22 (PID: $run_enemytank_pid)#enemy tank pause: 23 (PID: $run_enemytank_pid)#enemy tank continue after pause: 24 (PID: $run_enemytank_pid)#enemy tank level/speed up: 28 (PID: $run_enemytank_pid)#enemy tank level/slow down: 29 (PID: $run_enemytank_pid)#stealth mode: 35 (PID: $run_enemytank_pid)#cancel stealth mode: 36 (PID: $run_enemytank_pid)
#game over: 21 (PID: $MYPID)#mytank pause: 25 (PID: $MYPID)#mytank continue: 26 (PID: $MYPID)
#for "LingYi" components: 27 (PID: run_print_mywords_pid)#for "infor" components: 30 (PID: run_print_infors_pid)#for "Dtime" components: 31 (PID: run_print_dtime_pid)
#components [ true|false ]print_mode=trueprint_infor=trueprint_LingYi=trueprint_dtime=trueprint_roll=true

expressions=('o(-"-)o' '^*(- -)*^' '($ _ $)' '(^O^)' 'Y(^_^)Y')string1="you are so smart !"string2="you are really talented !"string3="Come on, boy !"string4="I believe you will win !"string5="Keep up the good work !"strings=("$string1" "$string2" "$string3" "$string4" "$string5")gameover_string="Stupid guy ~~ ha-ha !!!"#
infor1="The game is running !"infor2='Press "C" to continue !'infor3='Press "P" to pause game !'infor4='Press "U" to level up !'infor5='Press "L" to slow down ! 'infor6='Press "Q" to end the game !'infor7='Press "F" to kill one tank !'infor8='Press "G" to open/close Stealth Mode !'infor9='Press "V" to open/close God Mode 'infor10='press "N" to kill all tanks !'infor11='if pressed "N", press M to close it !'infor12='Press Space or Enter key to shoot !'infors=("$infor1" "$infor2" "$infor3" "$infor4" "$infor5" "$infor6" "$infor7"\ ${infors[@]} "$infor7" "$infor9" "$infor10" "$infor11" "$infor12")
roll_words="Tank Game LingYi 2016.03.01 Y(^_^)Y"# Positions of Enemytanks:# =============================# | 0 4 2 |# | 9(random) |# | 7 8 5 |# | |# | 1 6 3 |# =============================#Define random positions, if allow using.#value [ yes|no ]random_9_position="yes"random_8_position="no"random_7_position="yes"random_6_position="yes"random_5_position="yes"random_4_position="yes"random_3_position="yes"random_2_position="yes"random_1_position="yes"random_0_position="yes"
#get random direction.GetRandDirect(){ case $[RANDOM%4] in 0) echo u;; 1) echo d;; 2) echo l;; 3) echo r;; esac; }
#display and record in the file.#HandleTank {-d|-c} "x;y" {u|d|l|r} enemy/myHandleTank(){ local hp=($(echo "$2" | awk -F';' '{print $1,$2}')) local body body_col body[0]="$2" case $3 in 'u') body[1]="$((hp[0]+1));$((hp[1]-1))" body[2]="$((hp[0]+1));$((hp[1]+1))" body[3]="$((hp[0]+2));$((hp[1]-1))" body[4]="$((hp[0]+2));$((hp[1]+1))" ;; 'd') body[1]="$((hp[0]-1));$((hp[1]+1))" body[2]="$((hp[0]-1));$((hp[1]-1))" body[3]="$((hp[0]-2));$((hp[1]+1))" body[4]="$((hp[0]-2));$((hp[1]-1))" ;; 'l') body[1]="$((hp[0]+1));$((hp[1]+1))" body[2]="$((hp[0]-1));$((hp[1]+1))" body[3]="$((hp[0]+1));$((hp[1]+2))" body[4]="$((hp[0]-1));$((hp[1]+2))" ;; 'r') body[1]="$((hp[0]-1));$((hp[1]-1))" body[2]="$((hp[0]+1));$((hp[1]-1))" body[3]="$((hp[0]-1));$((hp[1]-2))" body[4]="$((hp[0]+1));$((hp[1]-2))" ;; esac if [[ $1 == '-c' ]]; then local i for((i=0; i<5; i++)); do echo -ne "\033[${body[i]}H \033[0m" done return fi case $4 in "enemy") body_col=$seted_enemy_tank_color body_symbol=(' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ') echo "${body[@]}" >${tmpdir}/enemybody ;; "my" ) body_col=$my_tank_color body_symbol=('*' '*' '*' '*' '*') echo "${body[@]}" >${tmpdir}/mybody ;; * ) : ;; esac for((i=0; i<5; i++)); do echo -ne "\033[${body[i]}H\033[${body_col}m${body_symbol[i]}\033[0m" done}
DisplayRandTank(){ local positions='0123456789' [[ ${random_9_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/9//") [[ ${random_8_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/8//") [[ ${random_7_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/7//") [[ ${random_6_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/6//") [[ ${random_5_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/5//") [[ ${random_4_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/4//") [[ ${random_3_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/3//") [[ ${random_2_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/2//") [[ ${random_1_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/1//") [[ ${random_0_position} == "no" ]] && positions=$(echo $positions | sed "s/0//") local rand_direct=$(GetRandDirect) local rand_pos while : do rand_pos=$[RANDOM%10] echo $positions | grep -q $rand_pos && break done
#set enemy tank body color if [[ -z $enemy_tank_color ]]; then seted_enemy_tank_color=${enemy_tank_color_type[$(( RANDOM % ${#enemy_tank_color_type[@]} ))]} else seted_enemy_tank_color=$enemy_tank_color fi
PositionNine(){ local hand_1 hand_2 while : do head_1=$((RANDOM%boundary_d)) [[ $head_1 -ge $(( boundary_u+3)) ]] && [[ $head_1 -le $(( boundary_d-3 )) ]] && break done while : do head_2=$((RANDOM%boundary_r)) [[ $head_2 -ge $(( boundary_l+3)) ]] && [[ $head_2 -le $(( boundary_r-3 )) ]] && break done hp="${head_1};${head_2}" } case $rand_direct in 'u') case $rand_pos in 0) hp="$(( boundary_u+1 ));$(( boundary_l+2 ))" ;; 1) hp="$(( boundary_d-3 ));$(( boundary_l+2 ))" ;; 2) hp="$(( boundary_u+1 ));$(( boundary_r-2 ))" ;; 3) hp="$(( boundary_d-3 ));$(( boundary_r-2 ))" ;; 4) hp="$(( boundary_u+1 ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 5) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( boundary_r-2 ))" ;; 6) hp="$(( boundary_d-3 ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 7) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( boundary_l+2 ))" ;; 8) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 9) PositionNine ;; esac ;; 'd') case $rand_pos in 0) hp="$(( boundary_u+3 ));$(( boundary_l+2 ))" ;; 1) hp="$(( boundary_d-1 ));$(( boundary_l+2 ))" ;; 2) hp="$(( boundary_u+3 ));$(( boundary_r-2 ))" ;; 3) hp="$(( boundary_d-1 ));$(( boundary_r-2 ))" ;; 4) hp="$(( boundary_u+3 ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 5) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( boundary_r-2 ))" ;; 6) hp="$(( boundary_d-1 ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 7) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( boundary_l+2 ))" ;; 8) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 9) PositionNine ;; esac ;; 'l') case $rand_pos in 0) hp="$(( boundary_u+2 ));$(( boundary_l+1 ))" ;; 1) hp="$(( boundary_d-2 ));$(( boundary_l+1 ))" ;; 2) hp="$(( boundary_u+2 ));$(( boundary_r-3 ))" ;; 3) hp="$(( boundary_d-2 ));$(( boundary_r-3 ))" ;; 4) hp="$(( boundary_u+2 ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 5) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( boundary_r-3 ))" ;; 6) hp="$(( boundary_d-2 ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 7) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( boundary_l+1 ))" ;; 8) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 9) PositionNine ;; esac ;; 'r') case $rand_pos in 0) hp="$(( boundary_u+2 ));$(( boundary_l+3 ))" ;; 1) hp="$(( boundary_d-2 ));$(( boundary_l+3 ))" ;; 2) hp="$(( boundary_u+2 ));$(( boundary_r-1 ))" ;; 3) hp="$(( boundary_d-2 ));$(( boundary_r-1 ))" ;; 4) hp="$(( boundary_u+2 ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 5) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2 ));$(( boundary_r-1 ))" ;; 6) hp="$(( boundary_d-2 ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 7) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u ));$(( boundary_l+3 ))" ;; 8) hp="$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_ ));$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l ))" ;; 9) PositionNine ;; esac ;; esac enemytank_direct=$rand_direct first_moving=true #clean up the small boundary local n m for n in 1 2 3 4 5 do for m in 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+n));$((boundary_r+m))H*\033[0m" done done #display a tank model in small boundary case $enemytank_direct in 'u') small_boundary_tank_head="$((boundary_u+2));$((boundary_r+7))" ;; 'd') small_boundary_tank_head="$((boundary_u+4));$((boundary_r+7))" ;; 'l') small_boundary_tank_head="$((boundary_u+3));$((boundary_r+6))" ;; 'r') small_boundary_tank_head="$((boundary_u+3));$((boundary_r+8))" ;; esac HandleTank -d "$small_boundary_tank_head" $enemytank_direct enemy HandleTank -d "$hp" $enemytank_direct enemy }

#get a new position from new, old direction and an old position.#GetNewPos $newdirect $olddirect $headpoint(x y)GetNewPos(){ local new_head=($3 $4) case $1 in 'u') case $2 in 'u') [[ new_head[0] -gt $((boundary_u+1)) ]] && (( new_head[0]-=1 ));; 'd') (( new_head[0]-=2 ));; 'l') (( new_head[0]-=1 )); (( new_head[1]+=1 ));; 'r') (( new_head[0]-=1 )); (( new_head[1]-=1 ));; esac ;; 'd') case $2 in 'u') (( new_head[0]+=2 ));; 'd') [[ new_head[0] -lt $((boundary_d-1)) ]] && (( new_head[0]+=1 ));; 'l') (( new_head[0]+=1 )); (( new_head[1]+=1 ));; 'r') (( new_head[0]+=1 )); (( new_head[1]-=1 ));; esac ;; 'l') case $2 in 'u') (( new_head[0]+=1 )); (( new_head[1]-=1 ));; 'd') (( new_head[0]-=1 )); (( new_head[1]-=1 ));; 'l') [[ new_head[1] -gt $((boundary_l+1)) ]] && (( new_head[1]-=1 ));; 'r') (( new_head[1]-=2 ));; esac ;; 'r') case $2 in 'u') (( new_head[0]+=1 )); (( new_head[1]+=1 ));; 'd') (( new_head[0]-=1 )); (( new_head[1]+=1 ));; 'l') (( new_head[1]+=2 ));; 'r') [[ new_head[1] -lt $((boundary_r-1)) ]] && (( new_head[1]+=1 ));; esac ;; esac echo "${new_head[@]}"}
#it run in backgroundMoveEnemyTank(){
local upgrade_count=10 local bullet_interval=10 #default value local bullet_interval_range=20 local StopEnemyTank=false local BeHitted=false local PauseEnemyTank=false local game_score=0 local old_game_score=0 local ignore_other_tank=false local kill_myself=false local kill_myself_always=false local god_mode=false local kill_once_by_god=false
trap 'StopEnemyTank=true' 20 trap 'BeHitted=true' 22 trap 'PauseEnemyTank=true' 23 trap 'PauseEnemyTank=false; print_running' 24 trap '[[ $game_level -lt 19 ]] && (( game_level+=1)); print_level' 28 trap '[[ $game_level -gt 0 ]] && (( game_level-=1)); print_level' 29 trap 'ignore_other_tank=true' 35 trap 'ignore_other_tank=false' 36 trap 'kill_myself=true' 37 trap 'kill_myself_always=true' 38 trap 'kill_myself_always=false' 39 trap 'god_mode=true' 40 trap 'god_mode=false' 41 trap 'kill_once_by_god=true' 42 GetTimeFromLevel(){ [[ $game_level -ge 1 ]] && [[ $game_level -le 9 ]] && echo "0.$((10-game_level))" [[ $game_level -ge 10 ]] && echo "0.0$((19-game_level))" [[ $game_level -eq 0 ]] && echo "1" } print_running(){ echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+12));$((boundary_r+3))\ H\033[41m\033[33mState\033[0m \033[1;34mrunning\033[0m" } print_level(){ echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+10));$((boundary_r+3))\ H\033[42m\033[31mLevel\033[0m \033[1;34m$game_level \033[0m" } while ! $StopEnemyTank do
echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+8));$((boundary_r+3))\ H\033[43m\033[31mScore\033[0m \033[1;34m$game_score\033[0m" [[ $old_game_score -ne $game_score ]] && [[ $((game_score%upgrade_count)) -eq 0 ]] && { [[ game_level -lt 19 ]] && (( game_level+=1 )) && old_game_score=$game_score } print_level current_direct=$enemytank_direct if $first_moving; then while : do future_direct=$( GetRandDirect ) [[ $future_direct != $current_direct ]] && { first_moving=false; break; } done else future_direct=$( GetRandDirect ) fi enemytank_direct=$future_direct if [[ $current_direct != $future_direct ]]; then current_tank_head=( `awk '{print $1}' ${tmpdir}/enemybody | tr ';' ' '` ) tank_head=( `GetNewPos $future_direct $current_direct ${current_tank_head[@]}` ) HandleTank -c "${current_tank_head[0]};${current_tank_head[1]}" $current_direct enemy HandleTank -d "${tank_head[0]};${tank_head[1]}" $future_direct enemy fi #$ignore_other_tank || $god_mode && true_false_value=true || true_false_value=false #Bullet $enemytank_direct ${tank_head[@]} enemy $true_false_value & #get the random distance case $future_direct in 'u') allow_distance=$(( tank_head[0]-boundary_u-1 )) ;; 'd') allow_distance=$(( boundary_d-tank_head[0]-1 )) ;; 'l') allow_distance=$(( tank_head[1]-boundary_l-1 )) ;; 'r') allow_distance=$(( boundary_r-tank_head[1]-1 )) ;; esac [[ allow_distance -eq 0 ]] && continue rand_distance=$(( RANDOM % allow_distance + 1 )) for ((j=1; j<=$rand_distance; j++)) do $StopEnemyTank && break
if [[ $bullet_interval -eq 0 ]]; then $ignore_other_tank || $god_mode && true_false_value=true || true_false_value=false Bullet $enemytank_direct ${tank_head[@]} enemy $true_false_value & bullet_interval=$(( RANDOM % bullet_interval_range + 1 )) fi
#pause and continue while $PauseEnemyTank do echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+12));$((boundary_r+3))\ H\033[41m\033[33mState\033[0m \033[1;34mPause \033[0m" done
# if be hitted, make another one $kill_myself && BeHitted=true $kill_once_by_god && BeHitted=true $kill_myself_always && BeHitted=true if $BeHitted; then DisplayDeathSymbol $future_direct ${tank_head[@]} enemy & sleep $next_tank_interval_time DisplayRandTank
#old_game_socre is for upgrade count. old_game_score=$game_score (( game_score+=1 )) (( bullet_interval-=1 ))
BeHitted=false $kill_myself && kill_myself=false $kill_once_by_god && BeHitted=false break fi
old_tank_head=(${tank_head[@]}) case $future_direct in 'u') (( tank_head[0]-=1 )) ;; 'd') (( tank_head[0]+=1 )) ;; 'l') (( tank_head[1]-=1 )) ;; 'r') (( tank_head[1]+=1 )) ;; esac HandleTank -c "${old_tank_head[0]};${old_tank_head[1]}" $future_direct enemy HandleTank -d "${tank_head[0]};${tank_head[1]}" $future_direct enemy
#judge if collision if $(CollisJudge); then $god_mode && { DisplayDeathSymbol $future_direct ${tank_head[@]} enemy & sleep $next_tank_interval_time DisplayRandTank old_game_score=$game_score (( game_score+=1 )) (( bullet_interval-=1 )) break } ! ${ignore_other_tank} && { DisplayDeathSymbol $future_direct ${tank_head[@]} enemy & kill -21 $MYPID StopEnemyTank=true } fi (( bullet_interval-=1 )) sleep $(GetTimeFromLevel) done done}
MoveMyTank(){ old_mytank_direct=$mytank_direct old_mytank_head=(${mytank_head[@]}) mytank_direct=$1 mytank_head=( `GetNewPos $1 $old_mytank_direct ${old_mytank_head[@]}` ) HandleTank -c "${old_mytank_head[0]};${old_mytank_head[1]}" $old_mytank_direct my HandleTank -d "${mytank_head[0]};${mytank_head[1]}" $mytank_direct my
#collision judgement if $(CollisJudge); then if $if_god_mode; then kill -42 $$run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null HandleTank -d "${mytank_head[0]};${mytank_head[1]}" $mytank_direct my else kill -20 $run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null kill -21 $MYPID fi fi}
#Bullet $direct $headpoint(x y) { my | enemy [true|false] }Bullet(){ #tank head point / bullet distance [thp/bdis] local thp=($2 $3) bdis n local myfile=${tmpdir}/mybody local enemyfile=${tmpdir}/enemybody
case $4 in "my") bullet_color=$my_bullet_color bullet_symbol='@' bullet_speed=$my_bullet_speed ;; "enemy") bullet_color=$enemy_bullet_color bullet_symbol=' ' bullet_speed=$enemy_bullet_speed ;; esac case $1 in 'u') bdis=$(( thp[0]-boundary_u-2 )); (( thp[0]-=1 )) ;; 'd') bdis=$(( boundary_d-thp[0]-2 )); (( thp[0]+=1 )) ;; 'l') bdis=$(( thp[1]-boundary_l-2 )); (( thp[1]-=1 )) ;; 'r') bdis=$(( boundary_r-thp[1]-2 )); (( thp[1]+=1 ));; esac
for((n=1; n<=bdis; n++)) do case $1 in 'u') (( thp[0]-=1 )) ;; 'd') (( thp[0]+=1 )) ;; 'l') (( thp[1]-=1 )) ;; 'r') (( thp[1]+=1 )) ;; esac #if the files not exist, means game over. #[[ ! -f $myfile ]] || [[ ! -f $enemyfile ]] && break
case $4 in "my") if echo " $(cat $enemyfile) " | grep -q " ${thp[0]};${thp[1]} "; then kill -22 `cat ${tmpdir}/run_enemytank_pid` &>/dev/null break fi ;; "enemy") if ! $5 && echo " $(cat $myfile) " | grep -q " ${thp[0]};${thp[1]} "; then kill -21 $MYPID break fi ;; esac echo -ne "\033[${thp[0]};${thp[1]}H\033[${bullet_color}m${bullet_symbol}\033[0m" sleep $bullet_speed echo -ne "\033[${thp[0]};${thp[1]}H \033[0m" done}
#Collision judgmentCollisJudge(){ local k ifcoll=false enemy_points=$(cat ${tmpdir}/enemybody) my_points=( `cat ${tmpdir}/mybody` ) for((k=0; k<=4; k++)) do echo " ${enemy_points} " | grep -q " ${my_points[k]} " && { ifcoll=true; break; } done echo $ifcoll}
#DisplayDeathSymbol $direct $tank_head_point(x y) my/enemy [notclean]#it should be run in background !!#SYMBOL MODEL# 1# 234# 56789 # [ dead!]# 012 # 10 11 12# 3 # 13#so, we just need to make sure 1,5,9,13 four point.
DisplayDeathSymbol(){ local center_point mnt_tank_head=($2 $3) local logfile char local points="2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12" case $4 in "my") symbol_color=$my_tank_color symbol_symbol='#';; "enemy") symbol_color=$seted_enemy_tank_color symbol_symbol=' ';; esac #get the center point of the sysbol case $1 in 'u') center_point[0]=$(( mnt_tank_head[0]+1 )) center_point[1]=${mnt_tank_head[1]} ;; 'd') center_point[0]=$(( mnt_tank_head[0]-1 )) center_point[1]=${mnt_tank_head[1]} ;; 'l') center_point[0]=${mnt_tank_head[0]} center_point[1]=$(( mnt_tank_head[1]+1 )) ;; 'r') center_point[0]=${mnt_tank_head[0]} center_point[1]=$(( mnt_tank_head[1]-1 )) ;; esac #get the thirteen point point_2="$[center_point[0]-1];$[center_point[1]-1]" point_3="$[center_point[0]-1];${center_point[1]}" point_4="$[center_point[0]-1];$[center_point[1]+1]" point_6="${center_point[0]};$[center_point[1]-1]" point_7="${center_point[0]};${center_point[1]}" point_8="${center_point[0]};$[center_point[1]+1]" point_10="$[center_point[0]+1];$[center_point[1]-1]" point_11="$[center_point[0]+1];${center_point[1]}" point_12="$[center_point[0]+1];$[center_point[1]+1]" if [[ $((center_point[0]-boundary_u)) -ge 3 ]]; then point_1="$[center_point[0]-2];${center_point[1]}" points="${points} 1" fi if [[ $((center_point[1]-boundary_l)) -ge 3 ]]; then point_5="${center_point[0]};$[center_point[1]-2]" points="${points} 5" fi if [[ $((boundary_r-center_point[1])) -ge 3 ]]; then point_9="${center_point[0]};$[center_point[1]+2]" points="${points} 9" fi if [[ $((boundary_d-center_point[0])) -ge 3 ]]; then point_13="$[center_point[0]+2];${center_point[1]}" points="${points} 13" fi for pn in $points do case $pn in 5) char='d' ;; 6) char='e' ;; 7) char='a' ;; 8) char='d' ;; 9) char='!' ;; *) char=" " ;; esac eval echo -ne "\\\033\[\${point_${pn}}H\\\033\[${symbol_color}m\\\033\[31m${char}\\\033\[0m" done
sleep $symbol_keep_time
#clean up the symbol if [[ -z $5 ]]; then for pn in $points do eval echo -ne "\\\033\[\${point_${pn}}H \\\033\[0m" done fi}
game_over(){ StopKeyboardInput=true kill -20 $run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null $print_LingYi && kill -27 $run_print_mywords_pid &>/dev/null $print_infor && kill -30 $run_print_infors_pid &>/dev/null $print_dtime && kill -31 $run_print_dtime_pid &>/dev/null $print_mode && kill -20 $run_print_mode_pid &>/dev/null $print_roll && kill -10 $run_print_roll_words_pid &>/dev/null echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+12));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[41m\033[33mState\033[0m \033[1;34mGame Over !!\033[0m" local line_posi=$(( (boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u-2 )) local col_posi=$(( (boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l-18 )) DisplayDeathSymbol $mytank_direct ${mytank_head[@]} my notclean echo -e "\033[$((line_posi + 0 ));${col_posi}H\033[1;31m-----------------------------------\033[0m" echo -e "\033[$((line_posi + 1 ));${col_posi}H\033[1;31m| |\033[0m" echo -e "\033[$((line_posi + 2 ));${col_posi}H\033[1;31m| Shit , You Are Dead ! |\033[0m" echo -e "\033[$((line_posi + 3 ));${col_posi}H\033[1;31m| |\033[0m" echo -e "\033[$((line_posi + 4 ));${col_posi}H\033[1;31m-----------------------------------\033[0m" tput cnorm echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_d+1));$((boundary_r+1))H\n\033[0m" #read -s -t 1 -n 100 }
print_mywords(){ [[ -z $strings ]] || [[ -z $expressions ]] && return StopSaying=false trap 'StopSaying=true' 27 local oldwords space_sum="" i mywords="example" local myexpress="" oldexpress echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+20));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[45m\033[1;39mLingYi\033[0m:" while ! $StopSaying do space_sum=" " #print the words and expression. mywords="${strings[$((RANDOM%${#strings[@]}))]}" myexpress="${expressions[$((RANDOM%${#expressions[@]}))]}" c1=3$((RANDOM%6+1)) c2=3$((RANDOM%6+1)) echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+21));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[1;${c1}m${mywords} \033[${c2}m${myexpress}\033[0m" sleep $((RANDOM%2))
#clean up the words and expression for((i=1; i<=$((${#mywords}+${#myexpress})); i++)) do space_sum="${space_sum} " done echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+21));$((boundary_r+3))H${space_sum}\033[0m" done c3=3$((RANDOM%6+1)) echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+21));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[${c3}m${gameover_string}\033[0m"}
print_infors(){ [[ -z $infors ]] && return StopPrinting=false trap 'StopPrinting=true' 30 local space_sum infor i
echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+17));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[46m\033[1;39mInfor\033[0m: " while ! $StopPrinting do space_sum="" infor="${infors[$((RANDOM%${#infors[@]}))]}" echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+18));$((boundary_r+3))H${infor}\033[0m" sleep $((RANDOM%2)) for((i=1; i<=${#infor}; i++)) do space_sum="${space_sum} " done echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+18));$((boundary_r+3))H${space_sum}\033[0m" done echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+18));$((boundary_r+3))HGame is over, bye !\033[0m"}
print_dtime(){ StopDate=false trap 'StopDate=true' 31 echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+23));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[42m\033[1;33mDtime\033[0m" while ! $StopDate do echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+24));$((boundary_r+3))H$(date +'%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')\033[0m" sleep 1 done}
print_mode(){ StopMode=false StealthModeState="off" SMc=31 GodModeState="off" GMc=31 KillAlwaysModeState="off" KMc=31 trap 'StealthModeState="on "; SMc=32' 21 trap 'StealthModeState="off"; SMc=31' 22 trap 'GodModeState="on "; GMc=32' 23 trap 'GodModeState="off"; GMc=31' 24 trap 'KillAlwaysModeState="on "; KMc=32' 25 trap 'KillAlwaysModeState="off"; KMc=31' 26 trap 'StopMode=true' 20
echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+14));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[43m\033[1;33mMode \033[0m" while ! $StopMode do STRING1="Stealth: $StealthModeState God: $GodModeState Kills: $KillAlwaysModeState" echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+15));$((boundary_r+3))\ H\033[1;34mStealth: \033[${SMc}m$StealthModeState\033[0m" echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+15));$((boundary_r+17))\ H\033[1;34mGod: \033[${GMc}m$GodModeState\033[0m" echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+15));$((boundary_r+26))\ H\033[1;34mKills: \033[${KMc}m$KillAlwaysModeState\033[0m" sleep 1 done}
print_roll_words(){ local stop_roll=false local strings=$roll_words local line=$boundary_u local col_s=$((boundary_l+1)) local col_e=$((boundary_r-1)) local sleep_time=0.1 local i local rull_pids=()
trap 'stop_roll=true' 10
print_char() { local j old_j=$col_e local stop_print=false trap 'stop_print=true' 10 for((j=$col_e; j>=col_s; j--)) do $stop_print && break [[ $i -eq $((${#strings}-1)) ]] && echo -ne "\033[${line};${old_j}H\033[${boundary_color}m \033[0m" echo -ne "\033[${line};${j}H\033[${boundary_color}m\033[1;37m${strings:i:1}\033[0m" old_j=$j sleep $sleep_time done } while : do for((i=0; i<${#strings}; i++)) do $stop_roll && break print_char & roll_pids=(${roll_pids[@]} $!) sleep $sleep_time done echo -ne "\033[${line};${col_s}H\033[${boundary_color}m \033[0m" $stop_roll && { for((i=0; i<${#roll_pids[@]}; i++)) do kill -10 ${roll_pids[i]} &>/dev/null done break } for((t=1; t<=12; t++)) do $stop_roll && break || sleep 0.5 done done for((i=boundary_l; i<=boundary_r; i++)) do echo -ne "\033[${boundary_u};${i}H\033[${boundary_color}m \033[0m" done}
#StealthMode true/falseStealthMode(){ [[ -n $if_god_mode ]] && $if_god_mode && return if_opened=${if_opened:-false} stealth_opened_times=${stealth_opened_times:-0} ! $if_opened && [[ $stealth_opened_times -eq 0 ]]&& { kill -35 $run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null kill -21 $run_print_mode_pid &>/dev/null if_opened=true let stealth_opened_times++ old_my_tank_color1=$my_tank_color my_tank_color=$boundary_color HandleTank -d "${mytank_head[0]};${mytank_head[1]}" $mytank_direct my return } $if_opened && [[ $stealth_opened_times -ne 0 ]] && { kill -36 $run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null kill -22 $run_print_mode_pid &>/dev/null if_opened=false let stealth_opened_times-- my_tank_color=$old_my_tank_color1 HandleTank -d "${mytank_head[0]};${mytank_head[1]}" $mytank_direct my }}
GodMode(){ if_god_mode=${if_god_mode:-false} god_opened_times=${god_opened_times:-0} ! $if_god_mode && [[ $god_opened_times -eq 0 ]] && { kill -40 $run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null kill -23 $run_print_mode_pid &>/dev/null if_god_mode=true let god_opened_times++ old_my_tank_color2=$my_tank_color my_tank_color=41 HandleTank -d "${mytank_head[0]};${mytank_head[1]}" $mytank_direct my return } $if_god_mode && [[ $god_opened_times -ne 0 ]] && { kill -41 $run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null kill -24 $run_print_mode_pid &>/dev/null if_god_mode=false let god_opened_times-- my_tank_color=$old_my_tank_color2 HandleTank -d "${mytank_head[0]};${mytank_head[1]}" $mytank_direct my }}
#-------------------------------------#| executable code |#-------------------------------------
DisFrame(){ stop=false trap "stop=true" 10 while ! $stop do for ((i=1; i<=cols; i++)); do echo -ne "\033[1;${i}H\033[4$((RANDOM%6+1))m \033[0m" done for ((i=2; i<=lines; i++)); do echo -ne "\033[${i};${cols}H\033[4$((RANDOM%6+1))m \033[0m" done for ((i=cols-1; i>=1 ; i--)); do echo -ne "\033[${lines};${i}H\033[4$((RANDOM%6+1))m \033[0m" done for ((i=lines-1; i>=2; i--)); do echo -ne "\033[${i};1H\033[4$((RANDOM%6+1))m \033[0m" done for ((i=2; i<=cols-1; i++)); do echo -ne "\033[2;${i}H\033[4$((RANDOM%6+1))m \033[0m" done for ((i=2; i<=lines-1; i++)); do echo -ne "\033[${i};$[cols-1]H\033[4$((RANDOM%6+1))m \033[0m" done for ((i=cols-2; i>=2; i--)); do echo -ne "\033[$[lines-1];${i}H\033[4$((RANDOM%6+1))m \033[0m" done for ((i=lines-2; i>=2; i--)); do echo -ne "\033[${i};2H\033[4$((RANDOM%6+1))m \033[0m" done sleep 0.1 done}
# $0 char sleep_time start_line end_line start_col upper/low upper/low left/rightPrintChar2(){ aa='echo -ne "\033[${i};${5}H\033[1;${6}m$1\033[0m"; sleep $2' bb='[[ $i -ne $4 ]] && echo -ne "\033[${i};${5}H\033[1;${6}m \033[0m"' if [[ ${8} == "left" ]]; then [[ ${7} == "upper" ]] && for((i=$3; i<=$4; i++)); do eval "$aa; $bb"; done [[ ${7} == "low" ]] && for((i=$3; i>=$4; i--)); do eval "$aa; $bb"; done fi}
cols=`tput cols`lines=`tput lines`clear
DisFrame &DisFramePid=$!
#DisSymbol $[lines/2-6] $[cols/2-34] 32 a='&&&&& & & && & & & & & & &&&&&&'b=' & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 'c=' & &&&&& & & & && & &&& &&&&& & & & && &&&&&&'d=' & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 'e=' & & & && & & & & & & && & &&&&&&'abcde=(a b c d e)for((i=0; i<5; i++)); do eval echo -ne "\"\033[$(($[lines/2-6]+$i));$[cols/2-34]H\033[1;5;32m\$${abcde[i]}\033[0m\"" sleep 0.1done
echo -ne "\033[$[lines/2];$[cols/2-3]H\(==)/"
i=1col=$[cols/2-17]while [[ $i -le 35 ]]; do echo -ne "\033[$[lines/2+1];${col}H\033[45m \e[0m" echo -ne "\033[$[lines/2+3];${col}H\033[45m \e[0m" sleep 0 (( i+=1 )) (( col+=1 ))done
strings="Made by LingYi"col=$[cols/2-6]for ((a=0;a<=${#strings}-1;a++)); do for((i=$[cols-2]; i>=$col; i--)); do echo -ne "\033[$[lines/2+2];${i}H\033[1;33m${strings:a:1}\033[0m" [[ $i -ne $col ]] && echo -ne "\033[$[lines/2+2];${i}H\033[1;$33m \033[0m" done let col++done
strings='Are You Ready ? [Y/N]'col=$[cols/2-10]for ((a=0;a<=${#strings}-1;a++)); do [[ $[RANDOM%2] -eq 0 ]] && { PrintChar2 "${strings:a:1}" 0 $[lines/2+4] $[lines/2+5] $col 31 upper left } || PrintChar2 "${strings:a:1}" 0 $[lines-2] $[lines/2+5] $col 31 low left let col++done
while :; do echo "ynq" | grep -q ${ch:-H} && { kill -10 ${DisFramePid} &>/dev/null break } echo -ne "\033[$[lines/2+5];$[cols/2-10]H\033[1;31mAre You Ready ? [Y/N]" read -s -n 1 ch ch=$(echo ${ch} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')done
[[ -z $ch ]] || [[ $ch == 'y' ]] && : || { clear; exit; }

check_invironment(){ local n=0 m=0 q=0 i j k long if [[ $((boundary_d-boundary_u)) -lt 24 ]]; then echo windows [ lines ] too small ! exit fi for((i=0; i<${#expressions[@]}; i++)) do [[ ${#expressions[i]} -gt n ]] && n=${#expressions[i]} done for((j=0; j<${#strings[@]}; j++)) do [[ ${#strings[j]} -gt m ]] && m=${#strings[j]} done for((k=0; k<${#infors[@]}; k++)) do [[ ${#infors[k]} -gt q ]] && q=${#infors[k]} done [[ $((n+m)) -gt q ]] && long=$((n+m)) || long=$q [[ ${#gameover_string} -gt $long ]] && long=${#gameover_string} if [[ $((`tput cols`-boundary_r)) -le $((long+2)) ]]; then echo windows [ cols ] too small ! exit fi}
trap '' 2trap 'game_over' 21
#pause and continuetrap 'PauseMyTank=true; kill -23 $run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null' 25trap 'PauseMyTank=false; kill -24 $run_enemytank_pid &>/dev/null' 26
sleep 0.5cleartput civis #draw boundaryfor((i=boundary_l-1; i<=boundary_r+1; i++))do echo -ne "\033[${boundary_u};${i}H\033[${boundary_color}m " echo -ne "\033[${boundary_d};${i}H\033[${boundary_color}m "donefor((i=boundary_u+1; i<boundary_d; i++))do echo -ne "\033[${i};$((boundary_l-1))H\033[${boundary_color}m " echo -ne "\033[${i};${boundary_l}H\033[${boundary_color}m " echo -ne "\033[${i};${boundary_r}H\033[${boundary_color}m " echo -ne "\033[${i};$((boundary_r+1))H\033[${boundary_color}m "doneecho -ne "\033[0m"echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+0));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[1;${smallboundary_color}m---------"echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+6));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[1;${smallboundary_color}m---------"echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+1));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[1;${smallboundary_color}m| |"echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+2));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[1;${smallboundary_color}m| |"echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+3));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[1;${smallboundary_color}m| |"echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+4));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[1;${smallboundary_color}m| |"echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+5));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[1;${smallboundary_color}m| |"echo -ne "\033[0m"echo -ne "\033[$((boundary_u+12));$((boundary_r+3))H\033[41m\033[33mState\033[0m \033[1;34mrunning\033[0m"
$print_LingYi && { print_mywords & run_print_mywords_pid=$!}
$print_infor && { print_infors & run_print_infors_pid=$!}
$print_dtime && { print_dtime & run_print_dtime_pid=$!}
$print_mode && { print_mode & run_print_mode_pid=$!}
$print_roll && { print_roll_words & run_print_roll_words_pid=$!}
#display enemy tankDisplayRandTank
#display mytankmytank_direct='u'mytank_head=($[(boundary_d-boundary_u)/2+boundary_u] $[(boundary_r-boundary_l)/2+boundary_l])HandleTank -d "${mytank_head[0]};${mytank_head[1]}" $mytank_direct my
#make enemy tank moveMoveEnemyTank &run_enemytank_pid=$!#MoveEnemyTank cann't get the value of $run_enemytank_pid, so record it in file.echo $run_enemytank_pid >${tmpdir}/run_enemytank_pid
#accept keyboard inputESC=`echo -e '\033'`stty -echowhile ! $StopKeyboardInputdo while $PauseMyTank do read -s -n 1 kk [[ $kk == 'c' ]] || [[ $kk == 'C' ]] && kill -26 $MYPID done read -s -n 1 key # this judging is necessary, to stop this loop. $StopKeyboardInput && break
key=`echo $key | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`
[[ $key == 'W' ]] && MoveMyTank u [[ $key == 'S' ]] && MoveMyTank d [[ $key == 'D' ]] && MoveMyTank r [[ $key == 'A' ]] && MoveMyTank l
[[ $key == 'U' ]] && kill -28 $run_enemytank_pid [[ $key == 'L' ]] && kill -29 $run_enemytank_pid [[ $key == 'F' ]] && kill -37 $run_enemytank_pid [[ $key == 'N' ]] && kill -38 $run_enemytank_pid && $print_mode && kill -25 $run_print_mode_pid [[ $key == 'M' ]] && kill -39 $run_enemytank_pid && $print_mode && kill -26 $run_print_mode_pid
[[ $key == 'G' ]] && StealthMode [[ $key == 'V' ]] && GodMode [[ $key == 'P' ]] && kill -25 $MYPID [[ $key == 'Q' ]] && kill -21 $MYPID [[ -z $key ]] && Bullet $mytank_direct ${mytank_head[@]} my & [[ $key == $ESC ]] && { for (( i=0; i<=1; i++ )); do read -s -n 1 KEY[$i]; done [[ ${KEY[0]} == '[' ]] && { [[ ${KEY[1]} == 'A' ]] && MoveMyTank u [[ ${KEY[1]} == 'B' ]] && MoveMyTank d [[ ${KEY[1]} == 'C' ]] && MoveMyTank r [[ ${KEY[1]} == 'D' ]] && MoveMyTank l } }done
stty echoecho -e "\033[$((boundary_d+2));1H\033[0m"



